/* DEFENDER GENERATED SALTS */ define('AUTH_KEY', 'F)$#sEOgp}9gnTx|F-N3Jz4$hG> z}?('); define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', ';_:-@}Urxvgo*@puZ-O_i=6!,tWFP()|T4u`G930y=r+wUC8)B7M+}EIUVb&=487'); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'JzhyORxB-)farWFsP%hEL_?:PcB5dFzmDNg=G[34-9+E*~XP+)w0ddm6y8]T-?GW'); define('NONCE_SALT', 'AaATLGU&:AS+trFb8+-kp*cILUz5Nqs:a8^G`IWNvc*t4[,#u#vn7^[%LjPYPH+W'); /* DEFENDER GENERATED SALTS */ define('AUTH_KEY', '<{$xxjzx%3bNbK+txNTyqx7&cMF9Nw%kY0Rxm)M7s,sfS0.nh qyFyoK3><`c$uY'); define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '9b%31=W|#Yl6tX4`4Wb1dzk<8oekKu0oH 0@UtU)bahHl<@f$x^X3|gfn*mMfa~Z'); define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'NH*zV|`SJwD#A_026]bSZ1-uul|Z]6/JP/).m6inx9RH}B!4c7/$X0lGRfNlx2Nk'); define('NONCE_KEY', 'u|z2xQm3ZoRh[x9no*5Kdy-~3Q[O^/g+R-z@1qJ$cKngR}4]EPVzRhR -7KGy.0='); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', '>Z`v[XNq:*;RY|q!LOP{n7$rpi.@t~Q+9GPuIt2x!W{|]{W7s-@4|*8`6?+ys3v|'); define('NONCE_SALT', 'v}--dJ1YH$^A|*5[zfkqi?y]z>GNv!qA)8+a=}0NLH Gary Stark | The Gadget Grill

Electronic Interference From Phones During Flights.

Electronic Interference From Phones During Flights.

Jun 12, 2011

A new report on the US ABC’s website questions whether it really is safe to use portable electronic devices during flights. A report has been released by the International Air Transport Association covering the years 2003 to 2009. It documents 75 separate incidents of possible electronic interference. The report is based upon survey responses from 125...

Parrot AR.Drone: Enhancing the flying experience

Parrot AR.Drone

Jun 8, 2011

Los Angeles, E3 Expo, June 7, 2011 – Parrot, leaders in wireless peripherals for mobile phones, has revolutionised the video gaming world by creating the AR.Drone, the first flying object in Augmented Reality, piloted through Wi-Fi. Today Parrot goes even further with a number of announcements to enhance the piloting experience for players and fans alike. · ...

Netgear N600 Wireless Router

Netgear N600 Modem/Router

Jun 5, 2011

The Netgear N600 is a well designed, high quality router that should satisfy most users’ needs not just in today’s ADSL world, but well into the the NBN future. Providing wireless connectivity on both the 2.4 and 5.0 GHz bands, the setup of this modem was one of the easiest that I’ve encountered, and the connection points provide for a measure...

Tablets To Outsell PCs

Tablets To Outsell PCs

Jun 5, 2011

According to Goldman Sachs analyst Bill Shope, Apple’s Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook believes that the tablet market will outpace the PC market over the next few years. It’s a given that Apple are seeing increased demand for the iPad, while the Blackberry Playbook and several Android tablets are all being very well recieved, and tablet...

A Facebook Scam! (Who’d-a-Thunk-it?)

A Facebook Scam! (Who’d-a-Thunk-it?)

Jun 5, 2011

According to security firm Sophos, Scammers are posting fake links on FaceBook accounts that, when you visit the linked site, installs the MacDefender malware onto your computer. MacDefender is a fake security program: while promising to clean your computer of malware, it actually is malware itself, and can cause all manner of problems for you. The supposed...