/* DEFENDER GENERATED SALTS */ define('AUTH_KEY', 'F)$#sEOgp}9gnTx|F-N3Jz4$hG> z}?('); define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', ';_:-@}Urxvgo*@puZ-O_i=6!,tWFP()|T4u`G930y=r+wUC8)B7M+}EIUVb&=487'); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'JzhyORxB-)farWFsP%hEL_?:PcB5dFzmDNg=G[34-9+E*~XP+)w0ddm6y8]T-?GW'); define('NONCE_SALT', 'AaATLGU&:AS+trFb8+-kp*cILUz5Nqs:a8^G`IWNvc*t4[,#u#vn7^[%LjPYPH+W'); /* DEFENDER GENERATED SALTS */ define('AUTH_KEY', '<{$xxjzx%3bNbK+txNTyqx7&cMF9Nw%kY0Rxm)M7s,sfS0.nh qyFyoK3><`c$uY'); define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '9b%31=W|#Yl6tX4`4Wb1dzk<8oekKu0oH 0@UtU)bahHl<@f$x^X3|gfn*mMfa~Z'); define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'NH*zV|`SJwD#A_026]bSZ1-uul|Z]6/JP/).m6inx9RH}B!4c7/$X0lGRfNlx2Nk'); define('NONCE_KEY', 'u|z2xQm3ZoRh[x9no*5Kdy-~3Q[O^/g+R-z@1qJ$cKngR}4]EPVzRhR -7KGy.0='); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', '>Z`v[XNq:*;RY|q!LOP{n7$rpi.@t~Q+9GPuIt2x!W{|]{W7s-@4|*8`6?+ys3v|'); define('NONCE_SALT', 'v}--dJ1YH$^A|*5[zfkqi?y]z>GNv!qA)8+a=}0NLH Gary Stark | The Gadget Grill

Keeping CES In Focus

Keeping CES In Focus

Jan 16, 2011

Using liquid crystal technology, PixelOptics have designed some new spectacle lenses, that self-adjust their optical properties … as the wearer of the spectacles tilts his head. Generally when using bi-focals, the user’s head will be raised to use the distance part of their glasses, but then their head will dip to use the near-focusing reading...

It’s All About Attitude

It’s All About Attitude

Jan 9, 2011

As a bit of background for you, you need to know that I’ve spent a good many years as a software developer. Within that realm, I’ve been invited to speak at conferences in the UK, Germany, the US, and Australia. Other professionals within the software development industry seem to have some measure of respect for my skills and knowledge. So,...

Eurosmartz PrintBureau

Eurosmartz PrintBureau

Jan 9, 2011

EuroSmartz PrintBureau is an app for the iPad and iPhone that promises much, but delivers very little. At AU$16, it’s actually a very expensive application, but even if they were giving this away for free, it would be overpriced, such is how poorly I view this particular application. For instance, it’s supposed to deliver direct printing from your...

The Social Medium That Roared

The Social Medium That Roared

Jan 9, 2011

For those who haven’t yet noticed, this past week was the week that social media in Australia truly came of age. It started with Gerry Harvey and his poor, impoverished, billionaire mates pitting up an ad in the newspapers, complaining that they won’t be able to afford to buy that extra Rolls Royce this year, because the public has woken up to the...

Parrot’s a-Squawking.

Parrot DIA digital Photo Frame

Jan 9, 2011

Arrrrrgh there me hartees. Me Parrot’s gone insane. Or, to put that into something more closely resembling English, Parrot, the people who make the AR-Drone that y’all know that we love so much, displayed some new toys at CES, and so, as it’s obvious that the Parrot isn’t just resting, we felt a need to bring your attention to them. First...