/* DEFENDER GENERATED SALTS */ define('AUTH_KEY', 'F)$#sEOgp}9gnTx|F-N3Jz4$hG> z}?('); define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', ';_:-@}Urxvgo*@puZ-O_i=6!,tWFP()|T4u`G930y=r+wUC8)B7M+}EIUVb&=487'); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'JzhyORxB-)farWFsP%hEL_?:PcB5dFzmDNg=G[34-9+E*~XP+)w0ddm6y8]T-?GW'); define('NONCE_SALT', 'AaATLGU&:AS+trFb8+-kp*cILUz5Nqs:a8^G`IWNvc*t4[,#u#vn7^[%LjPYPH+W'); /* DEFENDER GENERATED SALTS */ define('AUTH_KEY', '<{$xxjzx%3bNbK+txNTyqx7&cMF9Nw%kY0Rxm)M7s,sfS0.nh qyFyoK3><`c$uY'); define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '9b%31=W|#Yl6tX4`4Wb1dzk<8oekKu0oH 0@UtU)bahHl<@f$x^X3|gfn*mMfa~Z'); define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'NH*zV|`SJwD#A_026]bSZ1-uul|Z]6/JP/).m6inx9RH}B!4c7/$X0lGRfNlx2Nk'); define('NONCE_KEY', 'u|z2xQm3ZoRh[x9no*5Kdy-~3Q[O^/g+R-z@1qJ$cKngR}4]EPVzRhR -7KGy.0='); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', '>Z`v[XNq:*;RY|q!LOP{n7$rpi.@t~Q+9GPuIt2x!W{|]{W7s-@4|*8`6?+ys3v|'); define('NONCE_SALT', 'v}--dJ1YH$^A|*5[zfkqi?y]z>GNv!qA)8+a=}0NLH Gary Stark | The Gadget Grill

Live Video Streaming. From Your Local Library.

Live Video Streaming. From Your Local Library.

Jan 2, 2011

The US Library of Congress is quite adept at bringing the latest technological trends into its realm and realities. In the past, they’ve been critical, for instance, of the current copyright regulations, reporting that those rules, as they currently stand, actually get in the way of them performing their appointed tasks. This week they announced that...

Device Comparison – 10 Years Apart

Apple iMac

Jan 2, 2011

As 2010 closed, ARS Technica posted an interesting comparison of a couple of hardware bases for some technology items, comparing an iMac from 2000 with a current iPhone 4. The comparison is really quite interesting. 2000: iMac 2010: iPhone 4 Operating System Mac OS 9.0.4 iOS 4.0 Processor 500 MHz PowerPC G3 CPU, 128MB Memory 1 Ghz ARM A4 CPU, 512MB...

Fibre Helps You With Your Potty Break

carbon fiber dunny seat

Dec 26, 2010

We all know how important fibre is in our diets; it keeps one’s body regular and healthy. But what about the carbon fibre dunny seat? Priced at US$279, my only question is why?

More Android Tablets

More Android Tablets

Dec 26, 2010

And with more features, too. With CES just over a week away, there’s all manner of speculation about what the next round of Android tablet devices may hold. Motorola published a teaser video on You Tube, cleverly showing a brief history of tablets over time, but ending with a not too subtle hint that their tablet will be powered by the Honeycomb...

Banks Ask University to Censor PHD Thesis

Banks Ask University to Censor PHD Thesis

Dec 26, 2010

Cambridge University in the UK has been asked by the bankers’ trade association in the UK to censor the PHD thesis of one of its students, Omar Choudary, Omar’s thesis attacks the way some technology has been implemented within the banks’ systems, but rather than trying to address the problem at hand – by fixing the bugs – it seems...