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Superphone Shoot-out

Superphone Shoot-out

May 25, 2014

Over the last couple of months some new phones have been released by a few of the major manufacturers. From Sony we have the Xperia T2, from Samsung there’s the new Galaxy S5, while HTC have brought their One M8 into the market. We’ve had a look at each of these phones, and we are pleased to report that they can make phone calls. But what else can...

Changing your phone and the Jawbone Up

Changing your phone and the Jawbone Up

Apr 21, 2014

Lots of news this week, including Bitcoin ATMs, StGeorge Bank’s new smartphone app, using drones for wireless networks, and Captcha solved. In our features, we have a look at some of the things you need to do when you get a new mobile phone, as well as a good look at Jawbone’s newest version of the Up fitness gadget. All this, and more, in this...

Nikon Df Camera, Pebble Watch, and much more

Nikon Df Camera, Pebble Watch, and much more

Apr 6, 2014

Today’s show sees us talking about the controversial Nikon Df Camera, a full frame camera that’s very retro. As good as it is, you may not want it. But if you’re my age, and you’re familiar with the classic Nikons of the ’80s, you just might. We also look at the Pebble smart-watch, but this time we also discuss some of the social...

Panasonic Lumix TZ60 and Titanfall

Panasonic Lumix TZ60 and Titanfall

Mar 30, 2014

Smile, because on this week’s show Geoff tells us about the Panasonic Lumix TZ60 Camera. He then comes clean: after spending each day looking at his computer screen at work, he then comes home and looks at the screen rendered by his X-Box, so that he can play Titanfall. You wouldn’t read about it. But you can hear all about it, right...

AVG’s Michael McKinnon on BitCoin

AVG’s Michael McKinnon on BitCoin

Mar 9, 2014

There’s been a lot of discussion recently surrounding the so-called virtual currency, BitCoin. But what, exactly, is it, and how does it work? Gary turned to AVG’s Michael McKinnon to find out more about this, including how to mine your own BitCoins, and how to get rich really quickly. Or perhaps not. AVG’s Michael McKinnon explains...

AVG’s Michael McKinnon on Australia’s new privacy laws.

AVG’s Michael McKinnon on Australia’s new privacy laws.

Feb 25, 2014

On March 12 2014, a suite of legislative changes come into effect in Australia. These changes represent changes to the privacy od Australian citizens, and significantly alter the responsibilities and rights thjat will apply to privacy as it affects all Australians. In this interview with AVG’s Michael McKinnon, The Gadget Grill’s Gary Stark...