/* DEFENDER GENERATED SALTS */ define('AUTH_KEY', 'F)$#sEOgp}9gnTx|F-N3Jz4$hG> z}?('); define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', ';_:-@}Urxvgo*@puZ-O_i=6!,tWFP()|T4u`G930y=r+wUC8)B7M+}EIUVb&=487'); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'JzhyORxB-)farWFsP%hEL_?:PcB5dFzmDNg=G[34-9+E*~XP+)w0ddm6y8]T-?GW'); define('NONCE_SALT', 'AaATLGU&:AS+trFb8+-kp*cILUz5Nqs:a8^G`IWNvc*t4[,#u#vn7^[%LjPYPH+W'); /* DEFENDER GENERATED SALTS */ define('AUTH_KEY', '<{$xxjzx%3bNbK+txNTyqx7&cMF9Nw%kY0Rxm)M7s,sfS0.nh qyFyoK3><`c$uY'); define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '9b%31=W|#Yl6tX4`4Wb1dzk<8oekKu0oH 0@UtU)bahHl<@f$x^X3|gfn*mMfa~Z'); define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'NH*zV|`SJwD#A_026]bSZ1-uul|Z]6/JP/).m6inx9RH}B!4c7/$X0lGRfNlx2Nk'); define('NONCE_KEY', 'u|z2xQm3ZoRh[x9no*5Kdy-~3Q[O^/g+R-z@1qJ$cKngR}4]EPVzRhR -7KGy.0='); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', '>Z`v[XNq:*;RY|q!LOP{n7$rpi.@t~Q+9GPuIt2x!W{|]{W7s-@4|*8`6?+ys3v|'); define('NONCE_SALT', 'v}--dJ1YH$^A|*5[zfkqi?y]z>GNv!qA)8+a=}0NLH Features | The Gadget Grill

Smart Devices, and Inflationary Language

Samsung tv

Apr 17, 2011

Samsung last week previewed their upcoming range of TVs and accessories, displaying some very interesting and unique features. For instance, in their TVs they’re including apps that permit you watch movies from Big Pond movies, in high definition. The fact that the actual viewing of these movies can start from within just a few seconds of you ordering them...

Driving Google’s Plug and Play

Google's MiEV Electric Car

Mar 20, 2011

This week I was privileged to pay a visit to Google’s Sydney headquarters, and have a look over, and a ride in, one of their two Mitsubishi MiEV electric vehicles. Named “Plug” and “Play”, Google have acquired these cars in order to help assess and promote the viability of electric cars within the general community. These cars...

Norton’s Cybercrime Index

Norton's Cybercrime Index

Feb 20, 2011

Ever wondered just how bad the Internet really is? Just how dangerous it is? Would you let your 8 year old daughter wander down a dark lane, on the wrong side of the tracks, after midnight? On her own? Do you let her surf the Internet on her own? If so, why? It’s a dark, dingy, dirty, dangerous place out there. And now Symantec, through their Norton...

How Reliable Is Your Computer?

How Reliable Is Your Computer?

Jan 23, 2011

A computer repair service, RescueCom, has performed some analysis of the work that they do in terms of rescuing failed computer systems. HP came in top of the pile as being the most reliable systems in the field, ahead of Apple and Asus. How reliable is your ride? Please let us know.

It’s All About Attitude

It’s All About Attitude

Jan 9, 2011

As a bit of background for you, you need to know that I’ve spent a good many years as a software developer. Within that realm, I’ve been invited to speak at conferences in the UK, Germany, the US, and Australia. Other professionals within the software development industry seem to have some measure of respect for my skills and knowledge. So,...

The Social Medium That Roared

The Social Medium That Roared

Jan 9, 2011

For those who haven’t yet noticed, this past week was the week that social media in Australia truly came of age. It started with Gerry Harvey and his poor, impoverished, billionaire mates pitting up an ad in the newspapers, complaining that they won’t be able to afford to buy that extra Rolls Royce this year, because the public has woken up to the...