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Hummingbird Drones On

Nano Hummingbird Drone

Feb 20, 2011

Over the last couple of months we’ve droned on about the onset of drones. There have been a couple that have grabbed our attention – most notably, the Parrot AR Drone – and here’s another: The Hummingbird Nano Air Vehicle. This one though, is not your average, play-with-at-home drone. Rather, this little drone – and yes, it is...

Sony’s Playstation Phone

Sony Xperia Play

Feb 20, 2011

In other Sony news, earlier this week they announced the “the game changing XperiaTM PLAY” mobile phone. Game changing? How about game playing? This is an Android based mobile phone that has an embedded playstation controller built in to the hardware. The press release cites Brendan Johnston, Sony Ericsson’s MD for Oceania as saying...

Taxing The Mathematically Challenged

Taxing The Mathematically Challenged

Feb 6, 2011

This week Wired Magazine carried a very interesting story telling of a geological statistician living in Toronto, Mohan Srivastava, who has managed to crack the logic behind the Toronto scratch lottery system. Using the premise that scratch lotteries should look like they’re random, but in fact are very carefully planned, Srivastava spent some time...

Now You See It

Now You See It

Feb 6, 2011

Or maybe you don’t. Scientists in the UK have managed to make a paper clip invisible, by coating it with a substance known as calcite. Calcite is able to bend light in such a manner that, bu placing it onto an object, it can bounce the light waves around the object, which in turn can make the object invisible to human eye. While calcite crystals can be...

Bing == Google?

Bing == Google?

Feb 6, 2011

There’s been some interesting discussion this week suggesting that some of the results that the Microsoft search engine, affectionately known as Bing, returns have been copied from Google. Google released a story that told of some honeypot search results that they created, and which Bing appeared to faithfully reproduce. Microsoft of course have denied...

Vodafone? Vodafail!

Vodafone? Vodafail!

Jan 23, 2011

A 30 page report has been submitted to the ACCC and ACMA. This report details the many problems Vodafone’s 12,000 customers have been suffering over the last few months. The report has brought together the comments and experiences of a large number of the Vodafone user base, and helps to document the anger and frustration that Vodafone’s customer...