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Paint Your Own Dress

Paint Your Own Dress

Oct 17, 2010

For the fashionistas amongst us, you may now paint your own dresses. Dutch artist Anouk Wipprecht has designed a dress that uses valves to pump ink while the dress is being worn. This creates (hopefully) interesting and unique patterns that will form a one-of-a-kind fashion experience for the wearer. Powered by a 9-volt battery, pneumatic valves allow ink to...

Facebook Phone 7

Facebook Phone 7

Oct 17, 2010

Earlier this week Microsoft revealed final details of its Phone 7 OS, along with details of a number of phone devices that will be released into the market commencing later this week. Over the last few weeks there have also been rumours circulating around the possibility of a Facebook phone. When you think about the ultimate requirement for any such...

US Copyright Law Getting in the Way

US Copyright Law Getting in the Way

Oct 17, 2010

In the US, music archivers are finding that, in order to effectively perform their tasks, they are needing to find ways to work around copyright laws. The Library of Congress, in a recent study, said that the the current laws are restrictive and anachronistic in today’s digital age. The study was performed over ten years, and also looked at issues raised...

One Giant Step

One Giant Step

Oct 10, 2010

Backwards, for man. In a recent UK survey, about 2000 children were asked about important events in history. About 20% of the children thought that the first man on the moon was actually the first toy on the moon, Buzz Lightyear, while others thought that it was actually cyclist Lance Armstrong. One third of them did not know that Alexander Graham Bell invented...

Il Gran Mogol

Il Gran Mogol

Oct 10, 2010

A flute concerto written by Vivaldi has been discovered in the National Archives in Scotland. Il Gran Mogol was written in the early 1730’s as a part of the national concertos, but has not been performed since the 1700’s. The manuscripts vanished shortly after his 1741 passing. Andrew Woolley, a research fellow at Southampton University, had his...

There’s No Escape

There’s No Escape

Oct 10, 2010

With availability promised across the fleet of their Airbus A380, Airbus A340-500 and Boeing 777-300ER aircraft, Singapore Airlines have announced that there will be in-flight WiFi, internet and mobile telephony, to be rolled out from early next year. So you can no longer “go dark” while in transit from SYD to LHR, and you’ll be able to tweet...