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May 27 2018 – Our GDPR Email is on its way …

May 27 2018 – Our GDPR Email is on its way …

Jun 4, 2018

It seems that every man and his dog has been sending out GDPR emails to every man and his dog. Have the regulations designed to reduce SPAM actually increased the amount of SPAM that we’ve been getting? And Jason has been the man about town this week, enjoying Vivid, and taking lots of photos, with lots of phones. He’s been playing with the Huawei...

May 20, 2018 – DLink Covr and Huawei P20 Pro

May 21, 2018

On this week’s show we look at the new DLink Covr, which is a Mesh network device for your home or small business. The concept of Mesh is to provide broader WiFi coverage within a given area, and the Covr is a simple to install and easy to manage system that will provide your home with good network coverage. Alex has been let out at night and using his...

Mother’s Day, 2018 – Nokia 6 and Google Duplex

Mother’s Day, 2018 – Nokia 6 and Google Duplex

May 19, 2018

In this week’s show, Alex and I have a serious discussion around Google’s new Duplex product, and what it means for users. And humanity. And Alex has been playing with Nokia’s new 6, a midrange phone. What’s it like? Listen to our review … https://www.gadgetgrill.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/20180513_GG.mp3 Podcast: Play in new

Mothers’ Day is a comin’. And the Canon 200D is here

Canon 200D

May 7, 2018

It’s only a week until Mothers’ Day is upon us. What will you buy for your tech savvy mother? And we have had the entry level Canon 200D in our hands for the last few weeks. For an entry level camera, this is very strong on features. https://www.gadgetgrill.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/20180506_GG.mp3 Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Dura

Gadget Grill April 29 2018

Gadget Grill April 29 2018

May 4, 2018

On this week’s show, Jason reviews the Huawei P20 phone, and then we discuss a few cases of various styles and types for the Samsung Galaxy S9, including some from 3SixT and Pelican. Which case does Jason like most of all? Listen to the show. https://www.gadgetgrill.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/20180429_GG.mp3 Podcast: Play in new window | Download (D

Gadget Grill April 8 2018

Gadget Grill April 8 2018

Apr 26, 2018

Jason, our Faceplant Kid, rejoins us for this week’s show, in which we discuss, apart from Jason’s travels, the reasons for his travels, being the official release of Huawei’s new P20 phones. Over the last few weeks I’ve had a few accessories from 3SixT, including their new wireless studio earbuds – which did not fall out of my...