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Eurosmartz PrintBureau

EuroSmartz PrintBureau is an app for the iPad and iPhone that promises much, but delivers very little.

At AU$16, it’s actually a very expensive application, but even if they were giving this away for free, it would be overpriced, such is how poorly I view this particular application.

For instance, it’s supposed to deliver direct printing from your iPad. This was with the very first iteration of the iPad, with the original operating system that didn’t provide that support.

Well, it turns out that PrintBureau also didn’t provide this functionally. Not as a stand-alone product, anyway. I needed to install a separate driver application onto my Mac and/or PC, and have one of those computers switched on and active in order to get their so-called direct printing functionality to work.

Kind of defeats the purpose, really.

When I brought this to their attention, as a support issue, they promised better support at a future time. Six months later, there’s been no noticeable improvement.

PrintBureau also promises functionality as an email client, and in that regard, it also offers the user the ability to use a number of different email source addresses, which is great.

Provided that you can actually respond to the emails being sent to you.

Unfortunately, in the latest iterations of their application though, trying to respond to an email causes the app to hang.

And then it crashes upon restart.

When I lodged a support issue about this problem, I was told to download the newest version, which they said “should address the issue”.

Not only did it fail to address the issue, it actually seemed worse to me, in that it crashed more quickly.

Their support is somewhat good in that they’re prompt to respond to support queries quickly. But my experience is that they fail to actually provide fixes. Certainly, I’ve not seen a fix for my latest issue.

In my humble option, this product is not very good, and I’ve been less than impressed with their support attitude.

They have a premium price placed on this product, and I can can only suggest that you exercise caution if you wish to purchase this product.