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October 25, 2009 – The (Forty-) Seventh Show

This week marks the forty-seventh Gadget Grill show. Now keep that number in mind because we share the number seven with someone else because this week, Windows 7 gets launched.

The follow-up to Microsoft’s Windows Vista – which doesn’t exactly have the best reputation – was launched this week and we were on hand to talk to Microsoft’s Jeff Putt about what’s changed in this new & important release. Plus, we’ll do what no other journalist dare would and ask about Clippy!

Samsung ST550

We’re also taking a new camera out for a spin. It’s got a touchscreen on the back and an extra screen on the front to make sure you always get those self portraits. Sadly, we can’t guarantee you’ll look like the people in the picture above, but we can give you our thoughts on the new Samsung ST550!

All of that plus celebrity tweeting, new multitouch monitors, electric motorbikes, e-book readers, and more. Oh and laughter. Lots of laughter.


Like music? It’s ok if you say no. We’ve even met some people who were like that. Regardless, if you liked the music we played on this show, the playlist is below to make it easy for you to find the tracks!

  1. My Chemical Romance – Dead! (from “The Black Parade”)
  2. Bluejuice – Broken Leg (from “Head Of The Hawk”)
  3. Charles Mingus – Cryin’ Blues (from “The Complete Atlantic Recordings 1956-1961”)
  4. Jonny Lang – Lie To Me (from “Lie To Me”)
  5. Herbert – The Audience (from “Bodily Functions”)

Next week there’ll be more mayhem so join us then on The Gadget Grill… see you then!