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Strange things – July 11, 2010

We had a very “Toy Story” themed show this week… what with a “Toy Story”-themed interview and our Gadget Grill littered with fun little toys.

So being that we had so many toys to play with, we thought it would be fitting if we had some “toy” inspired music to play.

Here’s what you heard this week on The Gadget Grill:

No Doubt & Elvis Costello – I Throw My Toys Around
from “Everything In Time”

Kate Miller-Heidke – Apartment (Magoo Mix)
from “Little Eve”

Randy Newman – Strange Things
from “Toy Story”

Oren Lavie – A Short Goodbye
from “The Opposite Side Of The Sea”

Bucky Pizzarelli – Strollin’ Over to Nola (Gonna Play Some Blues)