/* DEFENDER GENERATED SALTS */ define('AUTH_KEY', '<{$xxjzx%3bNbK+txNTyqx7&cMF9Nw%kY0Rxm)M7s,sfS0.nh qyFyoK3><`c$uY'); define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '9b%31=W|#Yl6tX4`4Wb1dzk<8oekKu0oH 0@UtU)bahHl<@f$x^X3|gfn*mMfa~Z'); define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'NH*zV|`SJwD#A_026]bSZ1-uul|Z]6/JP/).m6inx9RH}B!4c7/$X0lGRfNlx2Nk'); define('NONCE_KEY', 'u|z2xQm3ZoRh[x9no*5Kdy-~3Q[O^/g+R-z@1qJ$cKngR}4]EPVzRhR -7KGy.0='); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', '>Z`v[XNq:*;RY|q!LOP{n7$rpi.@t~Q+9GPuIt2x!W{|]{W7s-@4|*8`6?+ys3v|'); define('NONCE_SALT', 'v}--dJ1YH$^A|*5[zfkqi?y]z>GNv!qA)8+a=}0NLH Viewmaster VR and a Useless Gadget Extravaganza | The Gadget Grill

Viewmaster VR and a Useless Gadget Extravaganza

ViewMaster VR

ViewMaster VR

One of the things that I love about travel – and especially traveling throughout the USofA – is the opportunity to look at the various in-flight magazines, and in particular, to look at all of the wonderful products they have available for sale in their in-flight mail-order store.

Our just completed trip to Memphis and Nashville in Tennessee truly yielded some mega-useless gadgets, and in this show we devote more than the normal bit of time to these gems.

But we also look at the new Mattel ViewMaster VR, which is the modern day reincarnation of the 3D slide viewer that many of us will remember from our childhood. They’ve taken Google Cardboard, made it more solid and practical, and while this is just a first impressions look, I can tell you that it’s anything but useless. Stay tuned for a full review in an upcoming show.

Allen Toussaint

Allen Toussaint

Finally, we also note the recent passing of Mr Allen Toussaint, one of the great New Orleans musicians.